Bathroom Sink

Hey everybody!
    How are we all doing the week before Thanksgiving?  It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that I’ll soon be watching Charlie Brown and blasting Trans-Siberian Orchestra songs!  Buck will get stuck helping me get a real tree in the tree stand, followed by his giddy wife (me) hanging old ornaments and drinking hot tea, and crap like that! Lol!!!  I know.  But, none of this will occur until we’ve completed Thanksgiving.  Gotta do that first.  But, I LOVE Christmas!!!  I love lights, music, food and presents!!!!  Woooooooooo hooooooo!!!!!
    But let me tell you one thing that I DO NOT love.  (Wait for it…)  I don’t love cleaning the bathroom sink. 


I hate it.  It just something I do OVER and OVER again.  There’s no project completion date.  And if I don’t do it, then I have to stare at soap scum and loose hair, along with a hazy mirror every single day, until I ONCE AGAIN realize that the “Bathroom Sink Cleaning Fairy” isn’t going to show up again today either…and that I’ve got to break down and git-r-done.  I hate the chemicals in the cleaning products too.   Ammonia makes me wanna puke.  Bleach makes me wanna hurl.  Tile cleaner is the devil.  Do you see a pattern?  Yeah, well I still get it done.  Just with an exhaust fan, loud music and a lot of grumbling.
But, the bathroom sink is a very real place.  What I mean is this:  I am the most “my true self” there than anywhere else.  It’s tangled hair, no makeup, blemish city, stanky breath central.  It’s also where I go to pray, talk to myself, cry, and reevaluate my thoughts and feelings.  It’s where I have the most unorganized junk drawers and zippy pockets full of God only knows what.  Yet, I do know where most everything is. I guess it’s where I’m best at hiding the clutter.  This same place that I look at myself “for real”, is the same place I put on my “pretty face” to hide the real issues going on…on the inside.  I can use eye drops to remove the red eye, concealer to hide my red nose where I’ve been crying, moisturizer to look like I’m not getting older, and contact lens solution to get my lenses in, so no one knows that I was “four eyes” growing up.  I never thought about how much of our life takes place at the bathroom sink, until Miranda Lambert wrote a song about it.  She nailed it, in my opinion.  Here’s the chorus lyrics:

“It’s amazing the amount of rejection that I see
In my reflection, and I can’t get out of the way
I’m looking forward to the girl I wanna be
But regret has got a way of staring me right in the face
So I try not to waste too much time at the bathroom sink”

That song gets me everytime.  She even prays and takes her meds like a champ.  I sure can’t point any fingers, cause most days I am that girl.  But, the beautiful thing about all this is that we can just all love one another and decide to be broken TOGETHER!  We can’t change what happened in Paris, France or Charleston, SC.  Evil lives and dwells among us.  But I choose to live and die proving that Love never fails.  I love you all dearly, who take time to read my silly stories, or call me friends.  I indeed consider you all dear loved ones.  Be strong even when it’s hard, and love even harder. 
Next time you’re at your bathroom sink, do some reflection on who you are now, and who you wanna be…then make a plan and get there!
Have a great night everyone!!  We’ll talk again soon.  Love you all.

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